Friday 27 July 2018

Steps to start up quarry mining in Nigeria

The Ministry of of Mines and Steel Development share a step-by-step guide in how to start your own quarry mining as an artisanal miner!

STEP 1 The mining quarry site is identified by the firm/ individual
STEP 2 Market analysis is conducted to determine if the site will be economically viable. Factors to be put into consideration are; accessibility, proximity to potential customers, cost of trnsportation, etc.

STEP 3 The coordinates of the site are taken to MCO to check if the site is free and/ or it does not overlap with another site.
STEP 4 If the market analysis returns a positive feedback and the site is vacant, the individual assesses the financial implications of the business. If he cannot bear the risk alone, he can work with others (investors) by forming a co-operative registered with Chambers of Commerce or CAC. Then he has to regsiter the cooperative with the ASM Department under the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development.
STEP 5 The cooperative will conduct and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the site
STEP 6 The cooperative approach the community leader where the site is located and request for a letter of consent from the community to permit mining activities. It is important to consider the community development agreement (CDA)
STEP 7 After registering with ASM dept., the cooperative will then apply for Quarry Lease from MCO> It is advised to engage the services of Geologist to get professional inputs. The Letter of Consent and EIA will be submitted as part of the application process.
STEP 8 After the Quarry Lease has been approved, machineries can be mobilized to the site and production can begin.
Source: Ministry of Mines and Steel development

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